Il furioso
Text and Translations
Susanne un jour d'amour sollicitée
Par deux vieillards convoitant sa beauté
Fut en son cœur triste et déconfortée
Voyant l'effort fait à sa chasteté.
Elle leur dit : si par déloyauté
De ce corps mien vous avez jouissance,
C'est fait de moi ! Si je fais résistance,
Vous me ferez mourir en déshonneur:
Mais j'aime mieux périr en innocence
Que d'offenser par péché le Seigneur.
One day, Susanne's love was solicited
By two old men coveting her beauty.
She became sad and discomforted at heart,
Seeing the attempt on her chastity.
She said to them: 'If disloyally
From my body you take pleasure,
It is over with me! If I resist,
You would make me die in disgrace:
But I would rather perish in innocence,
Than offend the Lord by sin.
Suscipe verbum, virgo Maria, quod tibi a Domino per angelum transmissum est.
Concipies et paries Deum pariter et hominem, ut benedicta dicaris inter omnes mulieres.
Receive the word, Virgin Mary, which was sent to you by the Lord through the angel.
You will conceive and bear God and Man equally, so you will be called blessed among all women.
Sancta et immaculata Virginitas,
quibus te laudibus efferam nescio:
quia quem caeli capere non poterant,
tuo gremio contulisti.
O holy and immaculate virginity,
I know not by what praises I may extol thee:
For thou hast born in thy womb,
He whom the heavens could not contain.
Ave regina caelorum, ave domina angelorum: salve radix, salve porta, ex qua mundo lux est orta:
Hail, queen of heaven, hail lady of the angels. Hail, root, hail the door through which the Light of the world is risen.
Standomi un giorno - Verse 2
Indi per alto mar vidi una nave,
Con le sarte di seta, e d’òr la vela,
Tutta d’avorio e d’ebeno contesta;
E il mar tranquillo, e l’aura era soave,
E il ciel qual è se nulla nube il vela,
Ella carca di ricca merce honesta:
Poi repente tempesta
Oriental turbò sí l’aer’e l’onde,
Che la nave percosse ad uno scoglio.
O che grave cordoglio,
Brev’or’ oppress’e poco spazio asconde,
L’alte ricchezze a null’altre seconde.
Then I saw a ship in the deep ocean,
with silken ropes, and golden sails,
the rest equal to ivory and ebony:
the sea was calm, and the breeze was gentle,
and the sky as when no cloud veils it,
and she carried a rich cargo of virtue:
then a sudden tempest
from the east churned air and waves,
so that the ship foundered on a reef.
Oh what a heavy sadness!
A brief hour conquered, a small space hid,
that noble treasure without a peer.
Recordare, Domine, testamenti tui et dic angelo percutienti: Cesset jam manus tua, ut non desoletur terra. Quiescat Domine jam ira tua a populo tuo, et a civitate sancta tua, ut non desoletur terra.
Remember your testament, O Lord, and say to the persecuting angel: stay your hand, that the earth not be made desolate. Let your anger cease from your people, O Lord, and from your holy city, that the earth not be made desolate.
Tristis est anima mea usque ad mortem: sustinete hic et vigilate mecum. Nunc videbitis turbam quæ circumdabit me. Vos fugam capietis, et ego vadam immolari pro vobis.
Sorrowful is my soul even unto death. Stay here, and watch with me. Now you shall see the mob that will surround me. You shall take flight, and I shall go to be sacrificed for you.
Madonna, per voi ardo
Et voi non me credete
Perche non pia quanto bella sete
Ogn’hora miro e guardo
Se tanta crudeltà cangiar volete.
Donna, non v’accorgete
Che per voi moro e ardo
Et per mirar vostra beltà infinita
Et voi sola servir bramo la vita.
My lady, I burn with love for you
And you do not believe it,
For you are not as kind as you are beautiful.
I look at you and admire you constantly.
If you wish to change this great cruelty,
Lady, are you unaware
That for you I die and burn?
And in order to admire your infinite beauty
And to serve you alone, I desire life.
Se da l’ardente humore,
onde son gl’occhi un fiume,
ardendo il core,
Amor, io resto in vita,
in questa acerba e dura dipartita.
Piangete, occhi, piangete,
e quanto co ‘l desio crescie l’ardore
tanto in voi, occhi miei, cresca l’humore.
If from the ardent humor,
of which the eyes are a river,
the heart is burning,
Love, I stay alive,
in this bitter and hard departure.
Weep, eyes, weep,
And as much as the ardor grows with desire
so much in you, my eyes, grows the humor.
Translation: Laurie Stras
Per pianto la mia carne si distilla,
Si com’ al sol la neve,
O com’ al vento si disfa la nebbia.
Né so che far mi debbia.
Hor pensate al mio mal, qual esser deve.
It melts away in tears, my flesh,
as snow in the sun
or as fog is dispersed by the wind;
and I just don’t know what to do with myself.
Now, think upon my pain, what it must be like.
Translation: Campelli, CPDL
Manus tuae Domine fecerunt me, et plasmaverunt me totum in circuitu: et sic repente praecipitas me? Memento, quaeso, quod sicut lutum feceris me, et in pulverem reduces me. Nonne sicut lac mulsisti me, et sicut caseum me coagulasti? Pelle et carnibus vestisti me: ossibus et nervis compegisti me. Vitam et misericordiam tribuisti mihi, et visitatio tua custodivit spiritum meum. Beati mortui qui in Domino moriuntur.
Thy hands have made me, and fashioned me wholly round about, and dost thou thus cast me down headlong on a sudden? Remember, I beseech thee, that thou has made me as the clay, and thou wilt bring me into dust again. Hast thou not milked me as milk, and curdled me like cheese? Thou has clothed me with skin and flesh: thou has put me together with bones and sinews: Thou hast granted me life and mercy, and thy visitation hath preserved my spirit. Blessed are the dead, who die in the Lord. (Job 10:8-12, Revelation 14:13; Douai-Rheims Bible)
Viver lieto voglio
Senza alcun cordoglio
La, la, la
Tu puoi restar Amor
De saettarmi il cor
Spendi i spungenti strali
Ove non paian frali
Nulla ti stimo o poco
E di te prendo gioco.
La, la, la.
I want to live happily
And without any pain.
La, la, la
Cupid, can you stop
Firing darts at my heart?
Use your stinging darts
Where they won’t be so weak.
I consider you little or nothing
And I make fun of you.
La, la, la.